Maoz Finance
Many are the times that women have said to me: “I knew that I shouldn’t have listened to him, I had a bad feeling about it, but I assumed that he knew better than I did so I followed his advice”.
My Personal Story
When I was 16 my father said to me: “Take some money and go learn about shares”, and so I entered the world of finance and capital markets.
I knew how to conduct financial negotiations with banks, I knew my rights, and I knew where it would be worthwhile for me to invest my money so as to preserve it.
In time, I served successfully and for many years as department manager in investment houses. I met with many women to advise them about where to invest their money: stocks , real-estate or in any other investment, and almost all of them said the same thing to me: “Talk to my husband, I don’t understand about these matters”.
I came to realize that women have never received proper financial training to enable them to manage their money by themselves ; therefore, a great number of them are afraid of buying real-estate for investments or for themselves, or fear from investments in the capital markets and eventually leave these issues to their life partners.

How Can You Profit From My Knowledge and Experience?
Real-Estate Guidance and Representation in Israel
The real-estate guidance and representation process is designed for women who are interested in purchasing a private or commercial property in the State of Israel for investment purposes, personal use or to any other end. It is aimed for woman who are seeking for an objective, reliable, professional real-estate woman who knows the ropes of the real-estate market and of the bureaucratic and financial systems in Israel.
My job is to represent your personal interests in Israel.
For further information press here
Personal Financial Guidance
Personal financial guidance tailored to every woman’s individual requirements and preferences is available upon request.
I believe that women have very good intuitions and that they know how to identify the right investment for them.
We provide women with financial guidance in variety issues which includes training and shared decision-making.
Lectures and Seminars
For those women interested in becoming familiarized with the world of finance and investments, I have created special lectures and seminars that provide them with vast knowledge and practical financial tools so that every participant learns to manage her own money over time in a profitable and confident manner.The lectures are fascinating and are accompanied by examples and real-life stories of women of all kind.

Real-Estate Guidance and Representation in Israel
The real-estate guidance and representation process is designed for women who are interested in purchasing a private or commercial property in the State of Israel for investment purposes, personal use or to any other end.
It is aimed for woman who are seeking for an objective, reliable, professional real-estate woman who knows the ropes of the real-estate market and of the bureaucratic and financial systems in Israel.
My job is to represent your personal interests in Israel.
The guidance and representation process is built by me together with you and takes into account your personal financial capabilities and your emotional, family, and individual needs.
I actually guide and help you throughout the entire process – starting with the choice of the type of property most suitable for you, through dealings with other professionals (such as real estate agents, lawyers, mortgage advisers, engineers, etc.), and up to the implementation of the property’s intended purpose.
The guidance and representation process goes hand in hand with continuous financial consulting, complemented by meetings between us (some of them over Skype), correspondence by email, and by my personal attendance at business meetings on your behalf.
The guidance and representation process is individual and discrete. I manage it personally. This requires a preliminary introductory meeting for us to become acquainted and to coordinate expectations from our joint work.
Why purchase properties in Israel?
History does not lie – for many years, apartment prices all around the country have kept on rising, in spite of periods in which such price rise was temporarily suspended or even reversed.
The State of Israel’s supply of land is limited, and together with a high rate of natural population growth (mostly among ultra-religious Jews and Arabs), this generates an almost yearly increase in home prices.
Take a moment to think how much your property in Israel would be worth today had you purchased it 5 years ago. Now think how much your property will be worth in 10 years’ time if you purchase it today.
There are a number of reasons for the rise of real-estate prices in Israel over time:
· We get married later in life
· We leave our parents’ home earlier
· We get divorced more
· Increased life expectancy – the elderly occupy apartments for longer time
· Israel’s limited supply of lands (in case of a peace treaty – it will be limited further)
· Constant development of means of transportation such as trains, which allow greater access to Israel’s central region.
About Me:
· Managing Director, Maoz Finance Company
· Holder of a BA degree in Business Administration with a major in Finance and Capital Markets
· Graduated “Financial Gerontology for the Third Age” at Haifa University
· Presenter of a regular segment in Israel’s leading morning show, “Orly and Guy”, on Channel 10
· Years of experience as senior manager of departments in investment houses: Excellence Nessuah, Helman Aldoby
· Senior lecturer in the fields of finance, real estate, and capital markets
· Holder of a Pension Insurance Agent license from the Ministry of Finance.
In the last few years, I have dedicated myself to lecture and teach thousands of women about financial issues such as real estate, capital markets, banking, pension insurance, and many more.
My intention is to enable women to translate their skills and capabilities into personal financial wealth.
I want to assist women in their efforts to grow strong and stable economic roots so that they succeed in building their own financial security!
To contact me, please send me an email or call:
Rinat Maoz
Managing Director
Tel: +972-77-700-14-31
Mob. +972-54-7765075